There are way too many things that we should be thankful about living in the present moment. We’ve heard that statement before, “Yesterday’s a history, tomorrow a mystery. But what we have right now is a gift—that’s why it’s called “present”. Yes, the beauty of now, the gift of living in the moment.
Have you ever felt a certain irony in life sometimes? For example, when we are working, we tend to daydream about being on vacation. And when we’re basking in vacation, then we fret about our work and tasks pending on our workstations. Such a silly paradox of dwelling on life’s unnecessary ironies.
For why do our thoughts have to dwell on our historical past and the unforeseen future? Too often, we regret the “could have beens” and the “what-nots”. But have you ever thought or realized that life in all its grand beauty (and madness) unfolds and blossoms in the present, in the divine now?
That’s why living in the moment is a blessing. If we allow the essential present to slip away from our grasps, and busily waste our thoughts on some bygone regrets and priceless moments, the true essence of living in the moment will simply come to waste. We need to start living in the moment—also known as the state of mindfulness.
In this state, you’re more open and dynamic, and your attention is fully focused on the present. You’re alert to the experience rather than trying to drift along in life without it. Want to start living in the moment? Try these steps to begin the journey.
1.) To develop your work, try not to think too much about it; this will give you confidence.
2) Concentrate on the now to prevent fretting about the future—relishing.
3) If you’re bothered by something, instead of shying away from it, face it head-on—acceptance.
4) Have a taste of total absorption (which takes place when you become so immersed in your work that you lose track of all that’s happening around you) and let it flow to make the most of your time.
5) More importantly, if you desire to have a future ahead with a potential love interest or your current special someone, dwell in the present—breathe. When you live mindfully with a sense of conscious curiosity, it heralds a potent effect on your interpersonal life. Be mindful and aware of being alive and always remember to breathe.
Focus your attention on your breathing—from your inhale to your exhale. The rationale for this is, if you are totally aware of it right now as you breathe, then you are living in the moment. It is not an objective—this is the moment and you’re already in it.