“What drives you”—so goes a famous tagline of Caltex. Yes, indeed, have you ever asked that question yourself? In other words, how do you stay motivated? But first and foremost, identify the things that keep you going or the things that personally bring you happiness, or at least help you attain happiness.
Could it be professional success, a sense of achievement, financial independence, the freedom to be different, or to backpack and travel everywhere? You have your own reasons for pursuing those personal wants and aspirations to stay motivated. Try to do more of those things you like and less of those things you dislike.
In reality, when you really like what you’re doing, you’ll be more improved at what you’re doing, since you’re more willing to do it. So, you stay motivated because you want to, and not because you’re being forced into something. Another tip to stay motivated is to constantly challenge yourself.
When you establish a personal challenge for yourself, life becomes more exciting. You have a reason to wake up every day, to welcome a brand new day with a bright smile. Try to be gutsy and do anything once or anything new in your life. It can be as simple as deciding to help a friend design a website, smiling at a stranger, or more complex as cracking (or just trying) the Rubik’s Cube, traveling alone, or trying rock climbing to test your fear of heights.
Break free from the ordinary and see beyond what you thought was impossible for you to attain. When you arrive at your workplace, set a nice working atmosphere to encourage productivity and efficiency. Try to set a clean and comfy environment so that you’ll enjoy every moment of your working hours.
A relaxing and comfortable workspace contributes to a healthy mind ready for working. If you want to stay motivated, you should also never lose sight of your dream and keep visualizing your successes and triumphs, no matter how small they may seem. Don’t define success as what other people perceive it to be, but rather view your success as what it looks like from your own point of view.
In short, don’t compare other people’s accomplishments to your own. Lastly, celebrate your achievements and progress you’ve made as you go through your journey. Reward yourself and let others know about it by treating a friend or your colleagues to dinner to commemorate your triumph and your upcoming successes in the future.